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Dr. Leonard L. Hofstadter
Dr. Leonard L. Hofstadter
I really hope you like this article. Please... Do not use this article without my permission. The quotes and the images aren't mine, but the article is, so please don't use it. I hope that doesn't bother you.

Leonard Leakey Hofstadter

Season 1

Leonard: I love cheesecake.
Sheldon: You're lactose-intolerant.
Leonard: I don't eat it. I just think it's a good idea.

Penny: Would it be weird if I used your shower?
Leonard: No.
Sheldon: Yes.
Leonard: (to Sheldon) No!
Sheldon: No?
Leonard: No!
Sheldon: (to Penny) No.

Sheldon: I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom is our...
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I was at a sexual assault and relationship violence workshop today at school, required for all freshmen. And some of the examples of relationship abuse made me think of my favorite television show, The Big Bang Theory. These particular examples are not violence, death threats, or rape. They were listed under the category that some people will heartlessly argue is not abuse, which makes it worse for the people who are being abused because they are misunderstood.

And it chilled me to realize that Leonard Hofstadter is being abused by Priya Koothrapali.

Here are the examples that apply to Leonard...
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On 25 April, drama and comedy series, The Big Bang Theory is going to premiere twenty first episode of its sixth season. The interlude is named as ‘The Closure’. The scoop of the episode is available here! Sheldon’s upcoming favorite television gets cancelled and when Sheldon comes to know about the news, he feels sad and thinks that he is lost.Amy is trying to make him feel good and tells him that the show will
be premiered very soon. Things go upside down for Raj, when he finds that his love interest, Lucy has some secrets, which she is hiding from him.

Submit Your Reviews, Read News and Watching The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 21 Full Then link
For point number 1- kaley/jim grade-A-chemistry
For point number 1- kaley/jim grade-A-chemistry
Listen people, I am posting this because I want to. And hopefully if some of you L/P shippers read it, you will at least try to understand and see the brilliant light that is Sheldon/Penny.

Also I would actually enjoy your opinion on the matter.

Right... So this is a report on the third episode of Season three; when Sheldon trains Penny with chocolate blah blah blah can't be bothered writing description, you all know what ep I'm talking about.

P.S. No copyright infringements intended, because this is not my report, it was written by a person named Arabian on Livejournal. I'm a big fan of her/him?...
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posted by robothor1111
Okay, part two of my five part “Writing Faults in (Insert name here). Part one was Sheldon, this part is Penny. I think I’ll do Leonard next, because I think that Raj and Howard are very, very consistently written so I need to do some serious re-watching from the Raj-And-Howard-Are-Out-Of-Character perspective. It was mainly the big three I was thinking of when I decided to do this, so…yeah, Raj and Howard may be a while.
Anyway, here’s Penny’s, and again, if anyone has any Raj or Howard suggestions, hit me with a PM, I’ll credit you!

Rebound Pattern

In the beginning of season two...
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Howard Wolowitz
Howard Wolowitz
Please, please don't use this article. The quotes and images aren't mine, but the article is, so please don't use it.

Howard Wolowitz

Season 1

[trying to assemble Penny's new wardrobe, reading the instructions]
Wolowitz: Oh, boy! I was afraid of that!
Leonard: What?
Wolowitz: These instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components. This, right here, is why Sweden has no space program
"The Big Bran Hypothesis".

Sheldon: I have got the Sword of Azeroth!
Leonard: Forget the sword, Sheldon. Help Raj.
Sheldon: There is no more Sheldon. I am the sword...
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The Egg Salad Equivalency is 12th episode of ‘The Big Bang Theory’.Along with other episodes of the season, this installment is filled with lots of laughter and Joy. Here, Sheldon will come up with troubles, which further will others to face them. Sheldon appears with a trouble, where he tells about the condition, where he is charged with sexually harassment. He tells about the accused to the other members of group, which takes the team to face trouble for him. On the other side, Alex’s reactions are making Penny to feel insecure. The episode will be premiered on 3rd January’s night. Visit the link to watch full episode.
posted by shenelopefan
The theme song of TBBT is great. Explicative and has great music. The liricks are the next:

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started, wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!

"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.
The bipeds stood up...
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This is my first article on Fanpop. I hope you like it. The quotes and the images aren't mine, but the article is, so please do not use this article without my permission. I hope this doesn't bother you.

Sheldon Lee Cooper

Season 1

Penny: So, what do you guys do for fun around here?
Sheldon: Well, today we tried masturbating for money.

Sheldon: Ah, gravity - thou art a heartless bitch.
''The Big Bran Hypothesis''.

Leonard: For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?
Sheldon (intrigued): You have a sarcasm sign?
''The Big Bran Hypothesis''.

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Big Bang Theory Rubik's Cube tissue box!!


How cool are they!! Bought my boyfriend one and him and his mates love it!

Most of them are made in us, but this particular seller is in the UK and is selling them so much cheaper than the others on there!!


Hope you all find this helpful as I know a lot of the guys on the forum were talking about them.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Big Bang Theory peeps!
Raj: I still don't know why the new Batman movie isn't going to have the Joker in it.

(Sheldon and Leonard look at him like he's crazy)

Sheldon: Raj, you do know he's dead, right?

Raj: I've seen The Dark Knight three times and they did not kill off the Joker.

Lenard: But the guy who played him is.

(Sheldon nods vigorously)

Raj: So? If they can recast Victoria in every single Twilight movie without a legitimate reason, they can certainly recast a dead guy.

Lenard: I'm more concerned that you've seen every single Twilight movie without a legitimate reason.

Raj: Twihater!

(Howard enters)

Howard: But mom!...
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so beautiful
so beautiful
Want I want is for everyone to see the light and support Sheldon/Penny. I know that's unlikely, but come on, could you please read this and hear our opinions and not shoot us down.

This article - written by Arabian on Livejournal - is about the BEST EPISODE OF THE BIG BANG THEORY, and I truly mean that, because the A-plot and B-plot was utterly hysterical.

So yeah, I just wanted to post this for my happiness


Before I delve into this episode, I want to let everyone know that I have thrown away my delusional shipper goggles, glasses and sunglasses. Why? Because I no longer feel that --...
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Trio Tech Software Trainings is a leading online & offline Global learning platform tailored in Providing Oracle Fusion HCM, SCM, Financials, PPM, CRM,ICS that helps anyone learn business, software, technology.

If you are looking for a way to learn Oracle Fusion Financials, you have come to the right place. TrioTech offers a complete course that will teach you everything you need to know about this powerful Oracle software package. Our online course is designed to make learning Oracle Fusion Financials easy and fun. Plus, our team of experienced finance professionals will help you through each step of the process. So, start your journey to becoming an Oracle Fusion Financials expert today!
I've been on Fanpop for coming onto 4 years now and I haven't quite found the time to write an article but this little idea was floating in my head since I woke up and I decided to share it over here...

Now when we all were growing up, in school, there were always cliques. The popular sportsmen, the pretty popular girls, the drama/artistic thespians in the making and then there were the science nerds.

Now I for one, belong to the very last group and even though school was miserable, and I was shunned, I actually do not regret one minute of who I am, because being a science nerd has allowed me...
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posted by shenelopefan
A list of 50 simple rules from The Big Bang Theory

TBBT Rules

1. For some reason, Captain Sweat Pants has always to be in the comic book store

2. If you daydream with Bolliwood, that doesn´t make you gay

3. If you don´t check your messages, we will descend to anarchy

4. The fourth Harry Potter movie was just fine

5. Everything beats "Enchanted bunny"

6. The Chesscake Factory freezer locks out from the outside

7. You don´t watch Babylon 5

8. "It´s not what it looks like" means "It is what it looks like"

9. You only can drink hot chocolate in months with an "r" on them

10. You can swear to cow

11. If...
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The Doppler effect makes a really cool Halloween costume!

You can't learn Morse code at 3 AM.

Gravity is a heartless bitch

Once your mind is "pre-blown", it cannot be "re-blown

Pajamas were invented in India. You're welcome.

One would rather watch season 2 of Battlestar Gallactica with commentary than have a woman over for dinner.

Star Trek and Star Wars are two separate things. Seriously.

It doesn't matter if your children are non-existent, as long as they're smart and beautiful.

5318008 entered into a calculator spells “boobies” upside down.

Everyone Loves LOLcats.

Newton was one smart cookie....
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posted by shenelopefan
He is one of the characters in TBBt show. He has an special condition, he suffers of selective mutims. Basicly, he can`t talk with women. Because of that there`s a lot of scenes where he actually doesn`t talk.

Until the episode "The Grasshopper Experiment" we didn`t know that he can talk with women when he is drunk.

Anyway, I love all those scenes where the funniest part were about his face. He, as an actor, has a great talent for phisics comedy.

I mean, his expressions maka us laugh without even say a word. That`s what I like about Raj. He can`t make laugth without speaks.

Also, I love the way he talks, his Indian accent makes that everything that he says be funny. That`s incredible about him.

Ok, I hope you like this article.

The past January 16, the Golden Globe ceremony was celebrated. We now that, unfortunally, The big bang theory did not won the Golden Globe for the Best Comedy or Musical. But, we know that Jim Parsons won the Golden Globe for the best comedy or musical actor and he really desearves it.
I watched the video of this moment, when Kaley Couco almost started to cry wheh Jim gave the speech. I cpuld tell that he was really exited because he was speaking really fast and I think he couldn`t bread, poor dear!
Anyway I think that he is such a good actor and he is really funny. Also i think his so hot! Too bad he is homosexual, but I knew he is gettin`g married with his boyfriend so I wish nothing more that happyness to his life and I hope that TBBT win the Golden Globe next year.


posted by BigBangMad2005
everyone is running in to the paint ball base.
"we cant do it" said lenard
is that the atitude that helped you get penny" said Sheldon
"no but i dont have 7 seasons to make that team feel sorry for me" said Lenard
"hes not wrong" said howard
"we just can do this" said Lenard
"well we have to try" said Sheldon
"........ok then" said Lenard as they charged out and............destroyed everyone in sight.
they went home with the smell of victory... and paint.

*the next day*
they went in with lots of confidence. and came out second.

*the next next day*
they came back 3rd

*the next next next day*
there in the...
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posted by BigBangMad2005
howard is in the kitchen eating a bowl of crunch berrys. burnadet
walks in say "good morrning" and opens the frige. when she does everythink falls out and she says "howard we do need tho start eating this food"
"there is only one person in the wourld that coul eat all that food...mum...but know...lets have everyone over" said howard
"really have everyone over to eat...*looking for food* string chease" said burnadet
"ok...lets have everyone over for...puding" said howard
"reslly?" said burnadet
"whats in the freever?" said howard
he opens the freever and in comes poring out.
so... ill call...
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