Charlie Chaplin Updates

a link was added: Interview with Charlie Chaplin’s son Michael J Chaplin 24 days ago by the_shortlisted
a comment was made to the fan art: The Immigrant 1 month ago by Pioneers_3
a video was added: The Vagabond - Restored New Music Score 1 month ago by Pioneers_3
a video was added: One A.M - Charile Chaplin 1 month ago by Pioneers_3
a photo was added: The Great Dictator-Romanian movie poster 10 months ago by Romanian-poster
an icon was added: Charlie Chaplin 11 months ago by Bibi69
a comment was made to the photo: Charlie Chaplin Posters over a year ago by Daniherchi
a question was added: Looking for a Charlie Chaplin's sketch over a year ago by ilkostoev
a question was added: Help! Where do I sell a private collection of Loyal Underwood's from his time spent at Chaplin Studios? Some of the images are very rare and never seen before photo's of Chaplin, cast and crew behind the scenes. over a year ago by Kristinwoman
fan art was added: Charlie by Voka over a year ago by Lovetreehill
a question was added: Hi, I've been trying to track down the Chaplin film where naughty boys sever a man's coat-tail at a dance party. Chaplin then tears the rest of the coat-tail and starts dancing & thus creates a fashion. over a year ago by vanita108
a video was added: Charlie Chaplin Archives Book Tour over a year ago by Wordsmithsol
a question was added: Hello, I write a novel about the kidnapping of Charlie Chaplin after his death. For that reason I need to know, if Chaplin had golden teeth (how many?) and/or something like a hip replacement. Thank you very much! over a year ago by gubby80
a link was added: Top 10 Most Expensive Charlie Chaplin Memorabilia over a year ago by cornish007
a question was added: I search the movie with this Scene: Charly, driving a car. In the car is a fishing gear, the hook always fly to Cahtlys hat. over a year ago by Dagmar2015
a comment was made to the poll: With or without the moustache? over a year ago by LightEmUp17
a comment was made to the poll: Do you find Charlie Chaplin attractive? over a year ago by LightEmUp17
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think that nowadays people respect Charlie Chaplin as much he deserves? over a year ago by LightEmUp17
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Chaplin film? over a year ago by LightEmUp17
a video was added: Happy 125th Birthday Charlie ♥ over a year ago by Danea
a video was added: The Wanderer - Charlie Chaplin over a year ago by Danea
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Chaplin over a year ago by Johnny_blue
a link was added: The Little Tramp at 100 over a year ago by AcidBanter
a video was added: Watch Johnny Depp does Charlie Chaplin! over a year ago by IM-A-DEPP
a pop quiz question was added: Who is the man with Charlie ? over a year ago by Lovetreehill
a question was added: I need to know the name of the movie where a scene is where this chalie chaplin on a huge table sitting with the Queen where she does not let anyone eat because of the smell of food .... Please help me over a year ago by archy02
a comment was made to the fan art: Chaplin over a year ago by Lovetreehill
a link was added: Charlie Chaplin on both sides of film camera over a year ago by AcidBanter
a link was added: Modern Times over a year ago by AcidBanter
a video was added: Sullee J Voice of the People over a year ago by Silverrain312
a video was added: Watch Movie Magic in the Making for CHAPLIN on Broadway over a year ago by AcidBanter
a comment was made to the question: would any fans out there be intrestered in buying Charlie Chaplin cushion covers i have made, 12" to 18" priced at £1-50 to £3 +p&p depending on where you are, just contact me for more details over a year ago by NANNASUE
a question was added: would any fans out there be intrestered in buying Charlie Chaplin cushion covers i have made, 12" to 18" priced at £1-50 to £3 +p&p depending on where you are, just contact me for more details over a year ago by NANNASUE
an answer was added to this question: Done anyone here collect Famous Classic Actors Autographs? I have a collection of over 200 and want to meet people who are into collecting? over a year ago by mjpeterpan7
a question was added: Done anyone here collect Famous Classic Actors Autographs? I have a collection of over 200 and want to meet people who are into collecting? over a year ago by JLMcGoldrick
a comment was made to the link: The Great Dictator over a year ago by anushka_deb
an answer was added to this question: I have a 5mm home movie reel of film titled Charlie goes to dinner. Is it worth putting on Ebay. over a year ago by Nickelz
a video was added: The Kid (Trailer) over a year ago by Cherylsh19
a link was added: Charlie Chaplin Walk planned for star’s favourite Highland retreat over a year ago by AcidBanter
a comment was made to the photo: *Sylvie Always Keep Smile* :-D over a year ago by Xavier20
a video was added: Inspirational Great Dictator Speech remix Ludovico Einaudi over a year ago by alexijay1
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How old was he when he won the part of Billy in a West End production of Sherlock Holmes? over a year ago by pmmom38
a wallpaper was added: Charlie Chaplin Wallpaper over a year ago by Donlasagne
a video was added: Chaplin tribute over a year ago by glenny_g
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think his wifes were too young for him? over a year ago by Azoe
a poll was added: Do you think his wifes were too young for him? over a year ago by Azoe
a video was added: Easy Street with new soundtrack over a year ago by silentmovies